Web Style and Story Guide

Use the guide to create, edit, update, and publish content that gives users a consistent experience no matter which Iowa State website they visit. It provides guidance for crafting the Iowa State story – from best practices for creating content with a unified feel, to key aspects of performance such as search engine visibility, accessibility, and user engagement.

Consult the style guide

Learn how to show and tell the Iowa State story on the web. The web style and story guide includes guidelines and best practices for writing, photography, search engine optimization, accessibility, and information architecture (how the site is organized). It also includes practical resources such as photo specifications (size and cropping), block component examples, and do's/don'ts of webpage creation.

The guide is a living document and will be updated as the web theme evolves. The latest version will be viewable and available for download on this website.

Web Story and Style Guide Cover
Web Story and Style Guide - Telling Our Story
Web Story and Style Guide - Type